Forage First Guide      I      Summer Select Guide


Greater Value. Good Move.  Yield and quality matter. But there’s more. Our goal is to provide a higher standard for forage to maximize ROI– while keeping your wallet in mind. We take pride in delivering proven products that increase the bottom line at a good price.




NexGrow HVX620RR Brand Alfalfa

Harvxtra® alfalfa with Roundup Ready® technology

Agronomic Features

Yield Cuts: 6+
Fall Growth: Semi-Dormant
Stand Persistence: Excellent
Early Seedling Growth: Very Good
Drought Stress: Good
Recovery After Cutting: Fast
Forage Quality: Excellent

Plant Characteristics

Growth Habit: Upright
Fineness of Stem: Very Fine
Leafiness: V. High Leaf to Stem Ratio
Leaf Retention: Very Good
Plant Color: Very Dark Green


Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Phytophthora Root Rot
Fusarium Wilt
Aphanomyces Race 1
Pea Aphid
Stem Nematode
Bacterial wilt
  • HarvXtra Alfalfa gives growers the ability to better manage the yield versus-quality trade-off. It offers more flexibility in cutting schedule to achieve improved forage quality or greater yield potential, when compared to conventional alfalfa at the same stage of maturity.
  • The HarvXtra technology provides unprecedented flexibility by widening cutting windows, which gives growers the option at each cutting to:
    • Maintain their normal harvest schedules for higher-quality forage, or
    • Extend harvest for up to 10 days for increased yield potential, without sacrificing forage quality, compared to conventional alfalfa at the same stage of maturity.
  • HarvXtra Alfalfa has 10-15% higher neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFd) than conventional alfalfa harvested at the same stage of maturity.
  • HarvXtra Alfalfa is stacked with the Roundup Ready® Technology for unsurpassed weed control with excellent crop safety.
  • High resistance to Spotted Aphid.