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The Summer Select® Summer Annual forage portfolio includes proven, high-performance options for sorghum x sudangrass, forage Sorghum, grain sorghum, pearl millet and teff grass.
Many varieties within our proprietary Summer Select® portfolio include the brown mid-rib (BMR) trait, which denotes improved digestibility and higher energy forage. Also within the lineup are varieties that include the brachytic dwarf trait, which assures greater leaf-to-stem ratio and improved standability.
Excellent choice when used for silage in a single cut system. Stems and leaves are similar to corn and produce as much silage/acre. Protein content of sorghum silage is similar to corn, but less digestible because of the lower grain content and higher fiber content. Although forage sorghum can regrow, regrowth is much slower than sorghum x sudangrass.
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 6-20
Seeds/lb.: 14-20,000
Depth (in.): 3/4 – 1
Planting Time:
Emergence (days): 10
Grain sorghum has traditionally been used for livestock feed and is considered a drought tolerant, high energy, high yield summer annual crop. Its stems and foliage are used for hay, green chop, pasture and silage. Grain sorghum has also gained popularity as a gluten-free food product and use in ethanol production.
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 4-20
Seeds/lb.: 13-16,000
Depth (in.): 1-2
Planting Time:
Emergence (days): 10
Rapid growing, high quality warm season annual. It can be grazed by animals demanding quality forage such as dairy cows. It can also be plowed down for high organic matter, used as a cover crop, dry hayed, ensiled or green chopped. Due to large stem, a hay conditional and extra drying days may be required. Pearl millet’s outstanding tillering capabilities can turn a poor stand into an excellent stand.
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 10-20
Mixes (lbs./acre): 5-20
Seeds/lb.: 50,000
Depth (in.): ½ – 1
Planting Time:
Emergence (days): 3-5
Primarily used for grazing and hay production in multi cut systems due to high regrowth potential. Faster regrowth than forage sorghum and stronger stalk strength than sudangrass. Larger stems make drying for hay more difficult than sudangrass. Yield is generally less than forage sorghums, but higher than sudangrass.
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 25-50
Mixes (lbs./acre): 5-20
Seeds/lb.: 21,000
Depth (in.): 3/4 – 1 ½
Planting Time:
Emergence (days): 10
Warm season annual with rapid seed germination and development. It can be harvested multiple times during the growing season, and used as dry hay, silage or pasture. Teff grass combines excellent forage quality with high yield despite its relatively short growing season. It germinates quickly after planting and reaches heading stage in 8 weeks. Use caution when grazing teff grass as it is shallow-rooted and livestock may pull plants from the ground.
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 8-12
Seeds/lb.: 1,300,000
Depth (in.): ¼
Planting Time:
Emergence (days): 3-5
General summer annual management information is listed below. For product and species-specific management information visit product pages.