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Our Forage First® brand forage grasses include proven varieties and elite offerings with improved genetics to ensure your pastures thrive and animals perform to the highest standard. Many of these grasses form foundations to our premium Forage First® pasture mixes.
Establishment: Fast
Persistence: Low
Drought Tolerance: Med
Winter Hardiness: Med
Palatability: High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 20-40
Mixes (lbs./acre): 5-10
Seeds/lb.: 227,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 5-14
Life Cycle: Annual
Soil pH: 5.5-6.5
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 8-12
Stop (In.): 3-6
Avg. Days Rest: 25-30
Ryegrass Harvest Management:
Mechanical harvest should be made at boot to early heading stage. Graze during vegetative stage; removal during stem elongation will slow production until new tiller buds are available for regrowth.
Establishment: Slow
Persistence: High
Drought Tolerance: Med
Winter Hardiness: Med
Palatability: High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 15-20 (Smooth); 12-20 (Meadow)
Mixes (lbs./acre): 5-10
Seeds/lb.: 138,000 (Smooth); 93 (Meadow)
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 14-21
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 6.0-7.5
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 8-12
Stop (In.): 3-4
Avg. Days Rest: 20-30
Brome Harvest Management:
Bromegrass is tolerant of grazing in spring before the growing point emerges from below the ground; after jointing frequent harvest can destroy stands. Mechanical harvest at boot to early bloom stage.
Establishment: Fast
Persistence: Medium
Drought Tolerance: Medium
Winter Hardiness: High
Palatability: High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 30-40
Mixes (lbs./acre): 10-15
Seeds/lb.: 227,000
Depth (In.): 1/4
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 7-14
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 5.5-7.0
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In): 10-12
Stop (In): 4-6
Avg. Days Rest: 25-35
Harvest Management:
Mainly used in pastures for either grazing or fall stockpiling. Harvest for hay or haylage at boot to early heading stage.
Establishment: Slow
Persistence: High
Drought Tolerance: Medium
Winter Hardiness: High
Palatability: High
Yield Potential: Low
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 10-15
Mixes (lbs./acre): 4-10
Seeds/lb.: 2,177,000
Depth (In.): 1/4
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 14-28
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 6.0-7.5
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 4-6
Stop (In.): 2-3
Avg. Days Rest: 30-40
Harvest Management:
High stocking rates in spring take advantage of its early production. Because of its shorter stature, bluegrass is perfectly suited for grazing & tolerates close (or over) grazing.
Establishment: Medium
Persistence: High
Drought Tolerance: Medium
Winter Hardiness: High
Palatability: Medium High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: Medium
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 15-25
Mixes (lbs./acre): 3-10
Seeds/lb.: 416,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 7-21
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 5.8-7.0
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 8-12
Stop (In.): 4-6
Avg. Days Rest: 15-30
Harvest Management:
Harvest at boot stage in spring; cut or graze frequently in spring & early summer (cutting frequency influenced by temperature, soil moisture & fertility)
Establishment: Fast
Persistence: Medium
Drought Tolerance: Medium
Winter Hardiness: Medium
Palatability: High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: Medium High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 30-40
Mixes (lbs./acre): 6-10
Seeds/lb.: 227,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Feb.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 5-14
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 5.5-6.5
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 8-12
Stop (In.): 2-4
Avg. Days Rest: 15-30
Harvest Management:
Once established, ryegrass can be grazed (even continually) as quick as 3-4″ in height assuming wet conditions don’t ruin stand. Less DM will require longer curing times relative to other cool-season grasses.
Establishment: Slow
Persistence: High
Drought Tolerance: High
Winter Hardiness: High
Palatability: Medium High
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 12-14
Mixes (lbs./acre): 6-8
Seeds/lb.: 480,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 14-28
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 4.9-8.2
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 10-12
Stop (In.): 4-6
Avg. Days Rest: 20-30
Harvest Management:
Mechanical harvest at heading stage for highest yields; most annual growth occurs before July – rotate pastures often; top growth will desiccate at frost so manage accordingly
Establishment: Medium
Persistence: Medium High
Drought Tolerance: High
Winter Hardiness: Medium
Palatability: Medium
Yield Potential: High
Grazing Tolerance: High
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 25-30
Mixes (lbs./acre): 5-15
Seeds/lb.: 227,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 14-21
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 5.5-7.0
Rotational Grazing:
Begin (In.): 4-8
Stop (In.): 3-6
Avg. Days Rest: 25-35
Harvest Management:
Harvest at boot stage in spring; pure stands work well when stockpiled in fall
Establishment: Slow
Persistence: Medium
Drought Tolerance: Medium
Winter Hardiness: High
Palatability: Medium High
Yield Potential: Med
Grazing Tolerance: Low
Seeding Rate:
Alone (lbs./acre): 8-15
Mixes (lbs./acre): 2-6
Seeds/lb.: 1,152,000
Depth (In.): 1/4-1/2
Planting Time:
Mar.-May; Aug.-Sept.
Emergence (days): 14-21
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil pH: 5.5-7.0
Harvest Management:
Because of Timothy’s lack of basal leaves to support regrowth, as well as its limited energy storage, frequent cutting or grazing greatly weakens stands. Harvest in spring at boot stage.