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Our selected bentgrass turf varieties offer proven options for golf course applications.
Bentgrass requires high input maintenance and expert management to cope with resulting diseases. Bentgrass is adapted to a wide range of climates yet is susceptible to many diseases, due to the stress levels under which it performs.
Pointed tip leaf, flat and smooth in appearance. Lighter to very dark green color, vertical growth habit, dense growth habit, tolerates very low mowing.
Seeding Rate (lbs./1,000 sq.ft.): 1-2
Germination: 5-10 days
Growth Habit: Stolons
Seeds/lb.: 6-7,000,000
Blade: 1-2 mm., pointed tip, flat, smooth
Quick germination, aggressive to medium aggressive growth habit, vertical growth habit without tendency to thatch. Good spring green-up, color retention and wear tolerance. High maintenance, quality turf grass.