Greater Value. Good Move. Yield and quality matter. But there’s more. Our goal is to provide a higher standard for forage to maximize ROI– while keeping your wallet in mind. We take pride in delivering proven products that increase the bottom line at a good price.
Non-Forage Benefits:
1 = Poor; 5 = Excellent
Compaction Alleviation: 3
Weed Suppression: 4
Biomass Production: 4
Erosion Control: 3
Disease/Pest Control: 3
Pollinator/Beneficials: 5
P & K Cycling: 4
Ease of Establishment: 3
Nitrogen Fixer/Scavenger: Fixer
Nutritional Value:
Values Vary Greatly Depending on Maturity
Crude Protein: 26
NEL¹ Mcal/lb.: 0.58
ADF%²: 33
NDF%³: 48
TDN: 64
DM Tons/Acre: 1-3
Days to First Harvest: Spring
Days to Next Harvest: –
¹- Net Energy for Lactation = Energy available after subtracting digestive and metabolic losses
²- Acid Detergent Fiber = Low values mean more digestible
³- Neutral Detergent Fiber = Low values mean cows can eat more
Ranking (Good, Better, Best):
Graze: Best
Baleage: –
Chop: Good
Planting Time:
Seeding Rate:
Mono (lbs.acre): 15-30
Mix (lbs./acre): 10-20
Forage (lbs./acre): 30-40
Aerial: (lbs./acre): NR
Seeding Info:
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio (C:N): 10:1-15:1
Seeding Depth (in./with drill): 1
Seeds/lb.: 16,000
Bulk Density (lbs./ft.³): 52
Aerial Application Rate: NR
Germination Soil Temp.: 60 F
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-4
Days to Emergence: 14