Solving the Soil Health Puzzle? We Have you Covered.  Cover crops are an important piece to soil health and future profit. We know it takes work and is puzzling at times. Soil First® provides quality products plus tips, tools and solutions to help cover crops work for you. As challenges arise, we are ready with the pieces you need to succeed.


Soil First 125 N-Hancer Mix

30% Defender Oats
25% Spring Peas (6040/4010)
20% Balansa Clover
20% Crimson Clover
5% Tillage Radish

Soil First® 125 N-Hancer cover crop mix is a heavy legume seed mix intended for adding Nitrogen and biomass without intensive spring management.



Non-Forage Benefits:
1 = Poor; 5 = Excellent

Compaction Alleviation: 4
Weed Suppression: 4
Biomass Production: 4
Erosion Control: 5
Disease/Pest Control: 2
Pollinator/Beneficials: 3
P & K Cycling: 4
Ease of Establishment: 4

Nitrogen Fixer/Scavenger: Fixer

Nutritional Value:
Values Vary Greatly Depending on Maturity

Crude Protein: 14-18
DM Tons/Acre: 2-5
Days to First Harvest: 45-50
Days to Next Harvest: –

Ranking (Good, Better, Best):
Graze: Best
Baleage: Good
Chop: Better



Planting Time: July-Sept.


Seeding Rate:
Mono (lbs./acre): 35-40
Forage (lbs./acre): 40-50

Seeding Info:
Seeding Depth (in./with drill): 1/4.-1 in.
Germination Soil Temp.: 45 F
Bulk Density (lbs./ft.³): 44
Aerial Application Rate: Not Rated




Early planting is the goal with SF 125. More biomass equals greater nitrogen contribution. Because of peas’ larger seed size, broadcast or aerial applications are not recommended.


In most environments, only the clovers will demand spring control. Both crimson and balansa clovers can be successfully terminated with glyphosate and 2,4-D. Radish will terminate with multiple nights in the teens. If radish survive, glyphosate and 2,4-D provide effective control.



Scale 1-9, where 9 = best or most pronounced

Compaction Alleviation
Weed Suppression
Biomass Production
Erosion Control
Disease/Pest Control
P & K Cycling
Ease of Establishment
  • Designed as a nitrogen booster in front of grass cash crops; decreased spring management needed
  • Oats work as a carrier, but also keep nitrogen from leaching or leaving the system
  • Nitrogen production will be widely varied, based on planting date, climate, spring termination date, etc.
  • Heavy legume seed mix will work in grazing environments, supplying high protein and digestibility